blog #11 news

This week’s blog has a little something for everyone, so read on, brother, read on. (This one could sound as if Marty Lennartz, a top radio personality in Chicago would read it, as if his character the Regular Guy, who has a very strong Chicago accent, was crossed with a stereotypical hillbilly accent, (I won’t mention his name).

Hey, I like Obama as well as the next guy but come on with this idea he has about pot being no worse than alcohol!! The “KILLER WEED” I’ve heard about my whole life is now is going to be sold by our USofA govermint to wimmen and children, while them rich fuckers watch the country go down the tubes from their ivory towers?!? Are they really expecting the country to exist with everone out of their minds on drugs??? And about marhiwanna not being as bad as booze? Whattya nuts? An encyclopedia from the 1950’s I read said that smoking a muggle, (word for joint, blunt, or spliff) would make the user go into violent rages and would be prone to violent crimes such as robbing gas stations, and haven’t you seen Refer Madness??? I say we make ALL drugs illegal, then people won’t have to suffer the scourges of these dangers and our children will be safe, and isn’t that what we all want, think of it..a world without drugs, like the song says “I don’t care what they say, I won’t stay in a world without drugs” or sompin like thet. We need to up the war on drugs before more of our precious little ones die!!! We have to fight this filthy and preverted behaviour. Ok maybe alcohol is not the best thing for you, (altho I enjoy a little nip now and again myself wooee!), but certainly pot is way worse, that’s whuts for sure is if it’s legalized, god forbid, it will destroy this great nation, with it’s justice, liberty and freedom for ALL! Oh and Obama, don’t even think about taking away my guns, remember that guns are used for safety, while drugs are used for depravity. Drugs are bad. We need more guns to fight the War on Drugs too. Once we win the war and rid the world of these big drug cartels the world will be safer and we will be able to live in a drug free world. People will forget in time why they ever wanted drugs in the first place, problem solved, tho we might need a “surge” strategy now to get a foothold but it shouldn’t cost more than a few hundred million more dollars, well spent, (what other problems are as bad as drugs?), and we could use more street cameras to catch criminals with too, hey if you’re not doing anything wrong, why worry!?

And I don’t want to hear any of this commie, socialist shit around here either, like that guy George Orwell that wrote that stupid book predicting what was going to happen by 1984, ha, ha, a little off huh? None of that bad stuff has happened, it’s not like that at all, you don’t see anything like that cool big brother dude except on the TV show now, (I have a big brother too but he is not that interested in my personal life and therefore does not use drones or tapping my phone, etc). Not sure about the govermint is up to but I am sure it is for my own good. After all they are our servants, “Public Servant” is their job description, how many are in politics sincerely to serve the public? And while we are on that, here’s a good one. I saw a news story recently about a police chief in Florida wanted to have their officers pass physical fitness tests every year to make sure they were in top shape so as to do a better job serving the public. Hows a huge, rotund out of shape donut addict suppossed to get a break around here anyway? They worked out a compromise where the officers could decline the testing for a 1% reduction in their upcomming raises or by using other loopholes. Usually I am with the unions, not this one tho…

So then I’m walking out of the supermarket and there’s one of those guys, you know  begging for money, how do you know whether it’s a worthy cause or not? Most of the time I figger it’s a cheap scam and say “no thank you”, sort of as if they had offered to give me something and walk on by but this guy caught my eye because he was discussing and taking donations for disabled veterans, (like we need to beg on the street for these guys that our government has used and discarded after they are of no more use to them). Well he was talking about WWII vets, his dad was one  and I mentioned my dad had been in the South Pacific during the war, and it got me thinking, jeez! The biggest war ever in the history of the planet and it happened so recently, and then War ended with the greatest technological scientific efforts of people working together to achieve what most would have said was a load of that science fiction nonsense. The Atom Bomb? Who would have thought that we could come up with something that astounding, so quickly!  When we put our minds to it we can do almost anything that can be thought of, (then the little guys come up with a new way of fighting too, using guerilla or “terrorist” warfare). And the naysayers said we would never go to the moon, now  they say that Solar power is not cost efficient, that we still need coal and oil, (mainly because that is the system that has been very profitable for the “powers that be”). They know we could switch over to solar power in ten years if we put our money into research and development to lower the cost and improve efficiency. There are plans to send up solar collectors as a system of satellites as solar arrays and beam the power down to receptors on earth. You might think it’s far fetched, it is not, we just need to stop wasting money on senseless wars that are only good for the war profiteers and spend our money wisely. The new war will be won not by sacrificing lives but who will first develop viable solar power. It will happen, it’s just a matter of who comes up with the technology first and can offer the rest of the world clean cheap energy. That country will rule the world without firing a shot. After all, the Sun puts out so much energy that we are very lucky that our planet’s magnetic field literally diverts the cosmic rays and keeps us people from frying. It produces way more power than anything in our solar system, all we have to do is learn how to harness the amount of power we want, there’s more than enough and it won’t ever run out!!!

To end on a high positive note, (which I am known for), my next song in the works is called “It’s Gonna Get Worse”. Yes, a positive message for a planet in need of some TLC, brougham! What it is!!! Kurzweil amoung others are predicting computers will be smarter than humans within the next 50 years, when that happens it’s anybody’s guess the results. Something to think about til next week same time, same station, see you then. The topic will be music for a change. I got some good rants about that too!


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