Mad Max

If the virus goes away the future will be on us instantly and still no real forethought by our “leaders”. What is it about humans that we need “leaders”?

Well, the times are changing for better or worse and it’s all up to us, the number one species on the planet. How comforting.

So in keeping with the times here is the latest durantula news:

1. I have finally decided that my sci-fi short story, (My Mynd) started in installments featured on early Blogs will be better suited elsewhere, stay tuned for updates

2. AI is taking over, if not already. We will not know when the transition will take place, it is all top secret and misinformation makes it impossible to know the truth. Everyone will soon need a microchip implant to verify vital signs to prevent future pandemics.

3. On a brighter note, I am trying to fight the new tech challenges and produce an EP of songs about death performed in an upbeat, joyful way! Should be ready for streaming soon, check back.

4. You tube seems like the future now at least for a while, maybe if my staff would come in to work instead of worrying about getting sick we could get some progress going here!Antulaglow

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