Blog #4

durantula BLOG #4

This is a very special must read durantula, holiday edition.

The holidays never fail to remind me of that one year at this time….

My band, “The Petty Swami’s” had just finished our set for the big ShoegazeFest at Lake Titicaca when the crowd broke out brutally fighting each other, seems that one half were Christians and the other half weren’t and it was a common occurrence at sports or music events there. Since our band had just played, they arrested us and hauled us before their “judge” and he asked us what defense we had for starting the riot!?! Why is it that I always feel like I’m on trial all the time? All our 6 foot 9 inch 450 pound road manager, (“Jolly, also known as ‘Buck’ or ‘Roy’ Rodgers”) could do at the time was to yell and act like a crazy wrestler,  body slamming 6 or 8 of the Peruvian flakes, before we could get out of there. Sheeesh!

But I digress, this is the time o’ year we thank others who have helped us thru, so here are a few of the friends I owe thanks to for 2013:

Jerome Hughes, my web guru.

Rick Addy (aka Iggy Yoakum), owner of “Shake Rattle and Read” store on Broadway.

Tom Klein, Bill Kroll and all “the Country Doctors”.

Chris, Paul and Cocks.

All the bands and staff at the Metro for the “Cold Waves Fest”

James Galli at Doc Audio’s speaker clinic.

David Sudzus for legal help.

Dave Peterson the steel guitar guru.

Ilker Yucel, editor ReGen Magazine.

Cousin Wayne, Ranching Guru.

Bob DePugh, Royalty Guru

And all my other friends and relatives I don’t see often enough…

So MERRY KRIMBLE and Happy New Year!!


I know in the last blog post I said there would be music and pictures this week, I lied. But fear not, all this and more to come in the New Year.

Join me next time for the weekly Saturday Nite durantula Blog 2013 Wrap!

You can always email me at:

All material copyright Mark Durante.  durantula is a registered trademark, all rights reserved.

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