Blog 21, a new beginning

tap..tap..tap…is this thing on? Well Anyway welcome back again, again!

You know already about the move, we are in transit/limbo so you might just have to deal with sporadic posts.

Since this is a “new beginnings” topic today I thought I would throw up a bunch of embarrassing pics from my early days playing guitar, this photo that was in the paper promoting my first band’s first show at an outdoor festival, also the first time of many to come, to have my name misspelled. 1966


Dan Smith later became the very successful musician/songwriter/performer, Nevada Smith but not before we had our band “White Lightning” which was a power trio playing Hendrix and Cream songs in the mid-sixties. I saw him recently and got to sit in with him a bit, I’ll post a recent pic next week of us togetherwhitelightnin1
After that I slogged around the country with various bands some good some not so good until 1977 when I formed my new band at the time, (Public Enemy). These later days are referred to in greater detail on my Bio page.

On another note, an update of the Durantula”Dual Quad” guitar pickups. The 3D printed parts are totally happening, the accuracy and consistency are unbeatable. The range of tones is unmatched and they will be wound to exacting specs by myself. Stay tune for availability in the months to come.
And remember, durantula is a registered trademark all rights reserved, Dual Quad pickups  All Music and Art (except where noted) copyright by durantula 2014.Antulaglow

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